Whole mouth caries

One of the saddest cases a pediatric dentist could see 😢
CC: “cavities everywhere”
Dx: carious lesions on teeth #A-T
Tx: EXT of teeth #A-T

🔑: ⁣⁣When lack of education and access to dental care collide, it results in this unfortunate case of edentulation. I could go over all the reasons why they are not “just” baby teeth and why they are so very important (and I will in future posts!). However, for this post, I’m want to focus on what I feel is the most important reason for good oral health in kids. When kids get on a good oral hygiene routine with regular dental visits, they are able to avoid cavities and the need for potentially traumatizing treatments. Through this, kids are able to establish a positive relationship with dentists that will last a lifetime, which is essential for optimal oral health as adults. To me, that’s the most important thing a pediatric dentist can do. For this patient, such an extensive treatment plan will not doubt make it a difficult road ahead when it comes to establishing a positive patient-dentist relationship.


Primary incisor intrusion


Bitewing caries quiz