Thank your orthodontist!

We all know braces are used to straighten teeth but who knew they could help with dental traumas? Without these braces, this patient would surely have suffered an avulsion, leading to a poorer long-term prognosis. 👏 to the orthodontist for contributing to the case.⁣⁣
CC: dental trauma following fall⁣⁣
Dx: extrusion of #9⁣⁣
Tx: digital repositioning, stabilize tooth with flexible splint, follow-up in two weeks⁣

🔑: Dental trauma is an unpredictable part of life so it’s important to prepare for them. If the tooth was avulsed, you need to do everything right to give the tooth the best prognosis. AAPD guideline recommends immediate reimplantation at the scene of the crime if possible. If not, keep it moist and seek dental care within 60 minutes. The best place to store the tooth is in the patient’s mouth between the teeth and cheek if the patient is age-appropriate and conscious. Otherwise, milk and water can be used.⁣⁣


Peg lateral buildup


Whole mouth extraction